Product Reviews
We have dozens of active bloggers who love to review products. If you send us a free demo version of your product we'll be happy to review it in a blog entry. All our reviews are honest straight forward reviews and the comments that people place on the reviews are un-moderated comments, so they can be good or bad. If you've got a great product and want to publicize it, this is a great way to do it. As a rule we try and only review products that pertain to sports since that's what this website is all about.
You can send your products for review to:
Community of Sports Fans
PO Box 17356
Encino, CA 91416
Please email us first before sending in your product:
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Got the best high-speed internet access? With broadband connection, other services like videoconferencing and internet telephony are possible. With this type of service, having multiple computers can share broadband connection also.